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Retirement Finance with Patrick Kelly (Ep. 31) Thumbnail

Retirement Finance with Patrick Kelly (Ep. 31)

Planning for retirement isn’t a subject that we can tread lightly about.

One of the biggest questions people ask themselves is, “do I have enough money to retire and sustain my current lifestyle?”

In this episode, Keith Beggs interviews Patrick Kelly, best-selling author, and highly sought-after speaker and trainer. Patrick and Keith discuss how to ensure that you’re prepared for retirement so that you can live the lifestyle you want to.

Keith and Patrick discuss:

  • Why there is limited information about life insurance and the benefits
  • How to make life insurance, annuities, and retirement planning more exciting
  • How baseball relates to building long-term wealth
  • The importance of being proactive instead of reactive in building long-term wealth
  • And more

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Connect with Patrick Kelly:

 About our Guest: Patrick Kelly is the best-selling author of 7 books. Tax-Free Retirement (2007), The Retirement Miracle (2011), Stress-Free Retirement (2013), The 5 Retirement Myths (2015), Seven Secrets to a Happy Retirement (2016), The Life Insurance Dilemma (2017), and Tax-Free Retirement – 10th Anniversary Edition (2017). Which together have sold more than 1,000,000 copies nationwide. Patrick has been one of the industry’s most sought-after speakers and trainers, delivering his unique message to over 150,000 financial professionals from coast to coast since the release of his first book in 2007. One of his greatest passions is to help consumers understand they are able to step off the roller coaster of fear and loss and onto the peace-filled road of growth and stability. Patrick lives in the Pacific Northwest with his wife of 28 years. Together they love spending time with their 4 children, their son-in-law, and their grandson.